I believe that Pilates fixes faulty, painful and imbalanced posture.
I believe that many are suffering from faulty, painful and/or imbalanced posture.
We can solve postural issues by encouraging neutral anatomical positions and balanced muscle engagement and thus development.
Any of our classes or teachers at Pure Body Studio will provide postural strength and balance.
Consistency is important.
The trouble today, I believe, has to do with our lifestyle. What we do is full of posture booby-traps. Whether it’s driving, sitting all day, standing all day, being twisted all day, lifting all day, tennis/golf/running for hours, breast feeding, flying as a passenger (or Pilot) all day, using our phone/laptop/tablet, washing dishes, changing diapers, carrying a heavy suitcase or purse, or using a cash register - we are hurting our posture. You may think you are immune but sadly, postural imbalances do not discriminate by age, race, gender, job - etc.
The good news is that Pilates helps everyone restore balance. Some right away, some it takes a little longer. But if you sticks with it & commit to a good Pilates program you will feel, look and be better after just a few sessions.
A few exercises that really get to the nitty gritty of most postural imbalances are: (assuming they are all performed correctly)
Reformer: swan, pull straps, downstretch, upstretch, long back massage, chest expansion, tight stretch, bridge, footwork, side plank/side support, short box hinge, grasshopper
Mat: bridge, pelvic lift, plank, swan, leg pull front, bow, rocking, spine twist, spine stretch, side plank, swim, superman
Ped-o-pull - any/all
Ladder Barrel - swan, side sit ups, prone leg lifts, prone twist, grasshopper
Spine Corrector - swan, push ups, roll ups, swim, side sit ups, bridge
Good high level explanation of some faulty posture patterns: http://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/bad-posture-and-how-pilates-can-help/
Crossed syndromes: https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/identifying-upper-cross-syndrome-for-dummies-part-1/ and http://www.muscleimbalancesyndromes.com/janda-syndromes/lower-crossed-syndrome/
High level PT type notes on dynamic assessment: http://www.ptdirect.com/training-design/training-fundamentals/assessing-dynamic-posture-movement-patterns-positions
Low level static postural assessment: http://fitness.edu.au/workspace/uploads/resources/static_postural_evaluation_1207.pdf
At Pure, we're wanting to help you first become aware of your imbalances and then work for healthy, strong, TALL bodies that walk around happy and pain free.
Let's STAND TALL people!
Heather Erdmann